Evergreen Hymns

Wine from Water, Masses Fed

Wine from Water Masses Fed.png

Wine from Water, Masses Fed


This song is included in the volume “Rooted and Grounded in Love.”

This is a digital download for a pdf of a single song. A link to the pdf will be sent to your email.

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This song is included in the volume “Rooted and Grounded in Love.”

This is a digital download for a pdf of a single song. A link to the pdf will be sent to your email.

Background Notes:

For many faithful Christians, a literal understanding of miracles is difficult to reconcile.  This hymn begins by identifying a number of miracles described in scripture and names this doubt; the text also describes some of the different responses of those who question a literal interpretation (e.g., stories as metaphors?).  Without directly solving this dilemma, the last verse of text recognizes that there are many aspects to faith that cannot be answered and that living with this mystery is part of what it means to be a person of faith. Like “We Question, We Ponder,” this hymn explores harmonic progressions very infrequently used in traditional hymn-writing. These jazz-inspired chord structures that are meant to provide something to wrestle with musically as well as conceptually. For this reason, it might be most successfully used as a solo in worship.