Evergreen Hymns

Journey of Advocacy

Journey of Advocacy.png

Journey of Advocacy


This song is included in the volume “Rooted and Grounded in Love.”

This is a digital download for a pdf of a single song. A link to the pdf will be sent to your email.

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This song is included in the volume “Rooted and Grounded in Love.”

This is a digital download for a pdf of a single song. A link to the pdf will be sent to your email.

Background Notes:

In Matthew 8: 5-13, we hear thestory of a centurion who pleads for Jesus to come and heal his servant.  Although this account illustrates the centurion’s deep faith in Jesus’ healing powers, it also demonstrates his advocacy on behalf of another.  It is this topic that serves as the basis for this hymn text, describing many common reactions to hearing of need (e.g., shouldn’t God intervene? Who am I to serve?”) and blessings we experience (e.g., joining with unexpected allies) when answering such a call. Cooper attempted to channel a bit of Ray Makeever in this one – bring out your folk instruments and start strumming!